Wednesday, 16 February 2011

This Does Not Exist.

Whe n eve ry thing is lone ly I can be my own b est frie nd,
I'll g et a co f fee an d t he pa per , hav e m y o wn co nversa t i o n s ,,,
W ith th e si dewal k a n d the p igeo ns an d m y wind o w r efl ection ,
T he mask I poli s h in the evening by th e m orn ing l o o ks
li k e
s h it.

t h is
_r eal?

Sunday, 6 February 2011

The End.

I'm moving onto better things.

I hope you enjoyed your stay.

A hunger for conflict, chaos and destruction may take you in interesting directions, but in the end, it's not worth it. Manipulation gets you nowhere but hell. And doing things when they feel right is not always the best way to go.

But remember, life takes you on many adventures, some turn out wonderful, some leave you soul-destroyed. But take them all, learn from them, never forget them, and live your life.

Take a risk.

Yours truly,

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

The Ever Changing Spectrum Of A Lie.

"The Everchanging Spectrum Of A Lie"
The opener to The Joy Formidable's full length debut album, "The Big Roar".
A good start to the new music scene of 2011.

"The dangers of showing any kind of weakness"

Tuesday, 1 February 2011


I hope I'm walking along the right street.
Normally my instinct finds the right direction without a map.
Although, sometimes roads look quite similar and just as inviting as others, yet lead in the completely wrong direction.

But then again, getting lost is always quite fun, I do tend to enjoy an unanticipated adventure.


I'm not sure whether this feeling is good or not.
I thought it was good.
I'm not sure its intentions are good though.
Can a feeling have its own intentions?
I don't think so.